Meifang Fortuna Lee ∣ Lihsin Huang
Meifang Fortuna Lee, freelance translator, native speaker of Mandarin Chinese (Traditional), ROC Certified English Secondary School Teacher
LANGUAGE PAIRS English > Traditional Chinese; Simplified Chinese > Traditional Chinese; Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese > English
EDUCATION Master of Arts in Linguistics, National Chengchi University, Taiwan, 06/2003 Bachelor of Arts in English, National Chengchi University, Taiwan, 06/2000 Member of the Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society of the Republic of China, National Chengchi University, Taiwan, 06/2000
TRANSLATION WORKS 2007-PRESENT Localization: IT product overviews for major companies in the storage industry. Legal translations: Legal notice and privacy statement for an SSL certificate provider; leasing contract between a search engine provider and a hotel; contract management policy for a Singapore-based international bank; sales agreement for a yacht company and its buyer; web privacy policy and data consent for an international savings provider; customer satisfaction survey privacy statement for a leading software vendor; technical consultancy contract for a Chinese university and a leading supplier of lipid ingredients; marriage certificates. Healthcare translations: Brochures, information sheets and notification letters for a public-funded UK healthcare organization; medical report; health advisory for a government agency; healthcare directions for surgical appliances for a UK-based healthcare solution provider, medical questionnaires, clinical trial recruitment documents. Financial, banking & economy: Linked note information sheet for an Indian bank; equity fund commentary; co-translated selected articles from the Economist for the Chinese-language Business Weekly Magazine (商業週刊) (using pen name: Lee Hsin (李欣); published on issues: 1022, 1023, 1025, 1026, 1027, etc.). Academic translations: Papers presented at EU-China Dialogue Seminar on Human Rights; co-translated Child Development written by Laura Berk (published by Yehyeh Book Gallery). Literature and music: Subtitling of Song of Love (1947) and Scrooge (1951); poetry and lyric translation; back translation for a Broadway musical play.
RELATED WORK EXPERIENCES Project Manager/Technical Translator, STAR AG Taiwan Branch, Taiwan, 07/2009~07/2010
English Teacher/Homeroom Teacher, National Dali Senior High School, Taiwan, 08/2005~06/2006
Staff Writer/Translator for the government-published Taiwan Journal, Government Information Office, Taiwan, 07/2004~06/2005, responsibilities include meeting strict deadlines to accomplish up-to-the-minute stories, mostly but not exclusively, on local politics and foreign relations between Taiwan and its allies. (Note: Taiwan Journal ceased publication as of May 22, 2009 and was relaunched online as Taiwan Today June 1, 2009.) Student Teacher, National Hsin Tien Senior High School, Taiwan, 06/2003~06/2004, Honored by the school after leading and instructing a group of student representatives in participating in a National Youth Diplomat Contest organized by the ROC Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Education.
PERSONAL STRENGTHS Language and dialects: Mandarin (native); English (fluent); German (capable of basic reading/spoken tasks); Hoklo (native) Work style: Capable of doing research in a well-organized manner, being able to apply critical and analytical thinking to assigned tasks, eager to find solutions to encountered obstacles. Keen to learn new skills.
Lihsin Huang, freelance translator, native speaker of Mandarin Chinese (Traditional), ROC Certified Secondary School Teacher
LANGUAGE PAIRS English > Traditional Chinese; Simplified Chinese > Traditional Chinese
EDUCATION Master of Education, National Chengchi University, Taiwan, 06/2003 Bachelor of Education, National Chengchi University, Taiwan, 06/2000 Minor Degree in History, National Chengchi University, Taiwan, 06/2000
TRANSLATION WORKS 2006-PRESENT Education and training: Mathematics state test; e-learning program for a microcomputer component supplier; teach program website; aromatherapy exam; letters to Chinese immigrant parents from school; accountant team training program; co-translated Child Development written by Laura Berk (published by Yehyeh Book Gallery). Entertainment and travel: UI for popular PC games; travel guide for global cities; online betting site; restaurant menus; health food recipe; video scripts; websites for brand name products including clothes, perfume, cosmetics and travel cases. Medical and healthcare: Packaging information and directions for medical appliances; evidence of coverage for health insurance; restaurant inspection reports; interactive voice response system for clinical trial studies; business campaign presentation for a pharmaceutical development solution provider. Financial and trade: Equity fund monthly commentary; training materials for an international bank-sponsored program; survey on trade activities for a shipping company; business correspondences and negotiations; co-translated selected articles from the Economist for the Chinese-language Business Weekly Magazine (商業週刊) (using pen name: Lee Hsin (李欣); published on issues: 1022, 1023, 1025, 1026, 1027, etc.). IT/Computer: Product descriptions for a web service and search engine service provider (over 500,000 source words), ranging from online advertising, browser, social networking website, billing and payment system; user’s manual and maintenance instructions on copiers and printers; descriptions of hardware specifications; software help files (Readme); online surveys; database software localization (Sisulizer project). Others: Installation instructions of engineering tubes; business cards; company names.
RELATED WORK EXPERIENCES Web Editor of, Commonwealth Magazine Education Foundation, Taiwan 07/2004~07/2005, responsibilities ranged from maintaining, promoting and marketing the website, editing newsletter, coordinating IT engineers and graphic designers, and writing articles on educational topics. For articles published in Commonwealth Magazine, please refer to Student Teacher, Taipei Municipal Wan Fang Senior High School, Taiwan, 07/2003~06/2004 Compiler and coordinator of textbook review projects, National Institute for Compilation and Translation, Taiwan, 10/2002~06/2004
PERSONAL STRENGTHS Languages and dialects: Mandarin (native); English (fluent); Hakka (native), Haklo (good working command) Work style: Well-organized, extremely careful with details, precise with choice of words, excellent logical reasoning.